After tangling the second hank to oblivion in trying to wind it into a neat little center-pull ball, I searched online for swifts. I found a great deal on Joann's website with a 50% off code (just google Joanns coupons) but after shipping and tax, it was still $40. I looked around and decided that I could probably come up with something out of what I already own to do the job without spending the money and having to wait for its arrival. I don't plan on needing a swift very frequently, but I wanted to get at least one or two hanks wound to start with.

We have a lazy susan (thank you, Walkers) on our kitchen table. That's the base and it provides the spin. On top of that, I placed an old lamp (thank you, Magees) since I'd read online somewhere of using an old lamp with lampshade as a swift. This lampshade is too small (they've got to be some huge lampshades that can act as a swift!) and resting on top of that is a laundry basket (thank you, neighbors who moved away and gave it to us). The laundry basket was too wobbly on the lamp with the lampshade on right, so I unscrewed the lightbulb and flipped it over for more stability. I need the lamp because the laundry basket is too big to sit upside down on the lazy susan and spin.

Yes, I wound another ball just to take these pictures. At least the little balls will stay dust-free in their little plastic baggy homes until I get around to using them.

Props to my man, Dave, for his patience in helping me untangle the mess of the first two hanks and for his assistance in getting the spinning laundry basket picture.
1 comment:
You are the MacGuyver of yarn. That was very creative!
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