Sunday, June 17, 2007

in keeping up with the trend

here is my knitting blog. totally separate from my family blog, but I'll probably have the same posts there as here as far as the yarn is concerned.

currently on the needles:
a navy blue curly purly soaker in size M on my denise needles in wool-ease and a new make-it-up-as-you-go patternless log cabin blanket on some cheap boye metal straights with cheap-o Red Heart acrylic. Maybe pictures later. The baby is crying.

Okay, Daddy got him asleep. Sheesh. I used to just lay James down and he'd be out for the night. This is a whole different creature we've got this time around.

Today I picked up a copy (thank you dave for spending your hard-earned teacher gift cards on me) of Itty Bitty Hats and Mason*Dixon Knitting. Woot!

Now, I'm going to try to copy the handmade category posts from my family blog over here. They're added now, so all the posts prior to this one are from the other blog.

1 comment:

HoopDeeDoo said...

I think a knit along is a great idea. What should we make? Baby stuff or something for ourselves? I have a few pattern books (love those Barnes and Noble gift certificates!) but there is also a ton of great free stuff on the web. Any ideas?